HTML5 Symbols I

Character Entity Name Hex Dec
Í Iacute 000CD 205
í iacute 000ED 237
ic 02063 8291
Î Icirc 000CE 206
î icirc 000EE 238
И Icy 00418 1048
и icy 00438 1080
İ Idot 00130 304
Е IEcy 00415 1045
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¡ iexcl 000A1 161
iff 021D4 8660
Ifr 02111 8465
𝔦 ifr 1D526 120102
Ì Igrave 000CC 204
ì igrave 000EC 236
ii 02148 8520
iiiint 02A0C 10764
iiint 0222D 8749
iinfin 029DC 10716
iiota 02129 8489
IJ IJlig 00132 306
ij ijlig 00133 307
Im 02111 8465
Ī Imacr 0012A 298
ī imacr 0012B 299
image 02111 8465
ImaginaryI 02148 8520
imagline 02110 8464
imagpart 02111 8465
ı imath 00131 305
imof 022B7 8887
Ƶ imped 001B5 437
Implies 021D2 8658
in 02208 8712
incare 02105 8453
infin 0221E 8734
infintie 029DD 10717
ı inodot 00131 305
Int 0222C 8748
int 0222B 8747
intcal 022BA 8890
integers 02124 8484
Integral 0222B 8747
intercal 022BA 8890
Intersection 022C2 8898
intlarhk 02A17 10775
intprod 02A3C 10812
InvisibleComma 02063 8291
InvisibleTimes 02062 8290
Ё IOcy 00401 1025
ё iocy 00451 1105
Į Iogon 0012E 302
į iogon 0012F 303
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𝕚 iopf 1D55A 120154
Ι Iota 00399 921
ι iota 003B9 953
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¿ iquest 000BF 191
Iscr 02110 8464
𝒾 iscr 1D4BE 119998
isin 02208 8712
isindot 022F5 8949
isinE 022F9 8953
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isinsv 022F3 8947
isinv 02208 8712
it 02062 8290
Ĩ Itilde 00128 296
ĩ itilde 00129 297
І Iukcy 00406 1030
і iukcy 00456 1110
Ï Iuml 000CF 207
ï iuml 000EF 239

Source: HTML5 Symbols I

Youth ATVs Why Size Does Matter

Youth ATV's, Why Size Does Matter

If your child wants an ATV, you may be hesitant because of safety concerns. While many injuries occur every year, many of them are preventable if children take the proper safety precautions and ride the correct sized ATV. It may not seem like the size of the ATV would matter much, but when it comes to kids and ATV's, size does matter. Children should not be allowed to ride an adult sized ATV for many reasons.

Large ATV's take a lot of strength to control and usually have more powerful engines that allow them to go much faster then youth ATV's. Children should have the opportunity to hone their driving skills on a smaller, slower ATV before they graduated to an adult sized ATV when they are older, stronger, and more experienced. ATV's can be a source of great fun and a worthwhile hobby for children.

They should always be supervised when riding and wear appropriate safety gear. Many places required minors to wear helmets by law and prohibit them from riding adult sized ATV's. Even if this is not a requirement in your area, it is still a good idea and will keep your child safe while pursuing their ATV hobby.

Children and pre-teens (ages 6-12) should ride an ATV with an engine size of 70cc or smaller. There are larger models for teenagers, and while age should be a factor in which ATV you choose for your child, other things such as maturity, size, and strength should also be taken into consideration. A smaller child who is 16 should still ride a smaller ATV, and while this may not be optimal for them, it is imperative for their safety. Your child should only drive an ATV that they can comfortable handle.

When buying an ATV for your child, you should make sure it is the correct fit for them. Your child should be able to reach the ground with their feet, without standing on their tiptoes. They should be able to comfortable reach the handle bars without having to overextend their arms. Their arms should be slightly bent as they have a firm grip on the handle bars. They should also be able to reach the ground with their feet and have their legs slightly bent. Getting your child an ATV they can comfortably control is important and will help to keep them safe.

As well as age and size, your child's maturity level also plays an important part in what type of ATV you buy them. You will have to consider if your child can shift gears or would do better with an automatic transmission.

If you want to retain control over your child's ATV, whether you think their driving skills need some work or they will have problems following rules, you can consider getting an ATV with a remote switch to turn off the ATV of your child gets into trouble.

Buying an ATV for your child is not a decision to be taken lightly. You should make sure your child knows that an ATV is not a toy and can be dangerous. Make sure they ride an appropriate sized ATV and always wear protective gear.


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Comic Books From Around the World

Comic Books From Around the World

There are a vast number of comic books to choose since their inception. When someone thinks about comic books, they think of everyday comics and their heroes in this country.

However, comic books do not always come from the United States. The vast majority of the world has comic books. The European Union houses copious amounts of comic books. France, British, Italy are just some of the different nations that partake.

France has had comic books for a long time. The comic book author generally decides when the next installment comes out. Since it is the discretion of the author, he or she may take months or even years for the next issue to be published. The audience does not seem to be bothered with waiting. If it is the will of the author, so be it. The amount of comic books that are produced from France is significant comparatively to the populace, which would indicate that it is a popular form of entertainment. If there are many authors to choose from, then this lends to the idea of people not caring how long it takes to buy the next installment. The reader can buy a different title from a different author.

The British comic books are not as well know as their American counterpart. One of the more popular comic books that hailed from Britain was the Judge Dredd series brought to life by Sylvester Stallone. Although it brought to light a comic book character from Britain, most people did not know it originated from there. Marvel comics opened up an office in Britain in 1972. DC and Dark Horse comics did not open up offices there until the 1990's. It seems the English enjoy our comic book heroes as well as we do.

Italian comic books are strongly influenced by other countries. They prefer more adventure like stories that tell tales. Unlike America, where once a week you can find a new edition, Italian comic books come out monthly and are usually longer in length. The Italian comic book publishers immensely enjoy Walt Disney characters. They are the largest manufacturers of Walt Disney figures, other than the United States.

The Japanese also love comic books. In Japan, they are referred to as Magna. They are known for their exaggerated facial features, which were inspired by American authors. Japan had requested help from comic book artists from America to go over to learn contours, shapes and colors to help revise their comic books. The result was the exponential growth of comic books.

It appears that America has a big influence of comic books from around the world. The result implies that everyone, no matter where you reside, wants a form of pictorial entertainment. The pursuit of amusement with a glossy cover, colored pages depicting figures that face immeasurable odds, only enhance the benefit of reading comic books. The world needs a release, and through the sequential formats they provide, there will be a never-ending deluge of comic books to read. America is not alone in its need to escape and absorb into a fantasy-based comic book.

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